CEI DriverCare QuickTips

With the towing capabilities of today’s trucks increasing — drivers may find more opportunities to use a trailer on or off the clock. Know the safety basics before you hitch up. With the towing capacity of today’s light- and medium-duty pickups climbing to an all-time high, it’s becoming...

Headlights are among the most underappreciated and important of safety equipment. Headlights help drivers see and be seen — and stay safe in a wide range of road conditions. If there is any piece of safety equipment that’s taken for granted and shouldn’t — it’s probably headlights. Headlights are...

With the increasing scourge of distracted and aggressive drivers, it may seem that today’s highways are perilous danger zones. By adopting defensive driving techniques, you can stay safe. Distracted drivers. Aggressive drivers. Drowsy drivers. Today’s roadways can feel like a dangerous place where you’re taking your life into your hands just...

For most drivers, road debris is a fact of life, and is responsible for thousands of crashes in the U.S. each year. You can avoid being a statistic by adopting four commonsense driving techniques. Aggressive drivers, road work, an unexpected breakdown — these are some of...